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Photo: Clem Onojeghuo. Courtesy Unsplash

James N. Mattis Lecture

US Defense Strategy in an Era of Major Power Competition

Both the 2018 and 2022 US National Defense Strategies identify resurgent major power competition as a defining feature of the contemporary international security environment. Colin Kahl, who oversaw the drafting of the 2022 National Defense Strategy as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, discusses the military and security implications of China’s growing assertiveness, Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, and changing patterns of global alignment.

This program is made possible with generous support from General Dynamics, RTX and Eric & Wendy Schmidt.

09 Oct 23
Foreign Policy
19:30 - 21:00
American Academy in Berlin
Am Sandwerder 17-19
14109 Berlin-Wannsee
Speaker: Colin Kahl

This event took place on October 9, 2023.

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