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Fellows Distinguished Visitors
David Lang
Yale University
Walter Laqueur (1921-2018)
Robert Lempert
RAND Corporation
Jill Lepore
Harvard University
Harold O. Levy
Palm Ventures
Anthony Lewis (1927-2013)
The New York Times
Earl Lewis
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Daniel Libeskind
Studio Libeskind
Maya Lin
John Lipsky
Johns Hopkins University
David Lipton
International Monetary Fund
Amory B. Lovins
Rocky Mountain Institute
Glenn D. Lowry
The Museum of Modern Art
Jane Holl Lute
US Department of Homeland Security
Margaret MacMillan
University of Oxford
Charles Maier
Harvard University
Terrence Malick
Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
Harvard University
Avishai Margalit
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Peter Marino
Peter Marino Architect
Kerry James Marshall
Margaret H. Marshall
Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts
Kati Marton
Gina McCarthy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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