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Photo: Annette Hornischer

Associate Professor of Art History, Scripps College, California

Ellen Maria Gorrissen Fellow - Class of Spring 2009

Juliet Koss is an expert on Soviet and German aesthetic modernism, and her work regularly reaches from art history and architecture into theater, music, film, literature and aesthetic theory. An associate professor of art history at Scripps College, in Claremont, California, Koss is the author of Modernism after Wagner (Minnesota, 2009) (recipient of the Millard Meiss Award from the College Art Association). Her book places the notion of the Gesamtkunstwerk and the idea of interdisciplinarity at the heart of modernism. Her essays have treated topics ranging from Bauhaus parties and theories of aesthetic empathy and estrangement to contemporary public art installations in Berlin; her work has appeared in such journals as Architecture New York, The Art Bulletin, Assemblage, Grey Room, Kritische Berichte, and The South Atlantic Quarterly, as well as in numerous edited volumes in Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. She has received fellowships from the American Association of University Women, Getty Research Institute, National Endowment for the Humanities, Humboldt Foundation, Mellon Foundation and the Canadian Centre for Architecture, where she spent the summer of 2008 working on that institution’s collections of Soviet photography.

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