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28 Oct 19

Fellow Spotlight: Marco Abel

Marco Able is working on a history of lesser-known political cinema of the German Left.

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23 Oct 19

Fellow Spotlight: Laura D’Andrea Tyson

Laura D’Andrea Tyson asks what the United States can learn from Germany in coping with the automation of work.

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23 Oct 19

Fellow Spotlight: Steven Klein

Steven Klein asks how contemporary democracy is being affected by both public and private debt.

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21 Oct 19

These Truths: A History of the United States, with Jill Lepore

Historian and New Yorker staff writer Jill Lepore offers a history of the United States through poignant images and entertaining anecdotes.

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17 Oct 19

Fellow Spotlight: Daniel Ziblatt

Daniel Ziblatt argues why having strong center-right parties is important to democracy.

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10 Oct 19

Preserving Economic Dynamism in the Face of Political, Social, and Monetary Pressures

What steps can we take to preserve economic dynamism in the face of numerous political, social, and monetary pressures? In this year’s Stephen M. Kellen Lecture, Deutsche Bank CFO James von Moltke examines contemporary economic headwinds and the levers that policymakers, business leaders, and the financial industry can use to counteract them.

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07 Oct 19

Fellow Spotlight: Azade Seyhan

Azade Seyhan examines the historical conditions that necessitate the preservation of intellectual heritages through transport and translation.

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24 Sep 19

New Migration Challenges for the United States and Europe

Roberto Suro discusses the social and political challenges recent immigration poses to polities in the United States and Germany.

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24 Sep 19


Artist Renée Green discusses and shows images from her project "Pacing," at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts.

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12 Sep 19

Fellow Spotlight: Angela Flournoy

Writer Angela Flournoy, author of The Turner House, discusses her currently untitled second novel, which she’s working on as a fall 2019 fellow at the Academy.

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