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01 Feb 17

Christian Existentialism and a Jewish Life: The Worlds of Erich Auerbach

Jane O. Newman traces literary critic Erich Auerbach’s dialogue with these strands of thought and their European context, shedding additional light on Auerbach’s identity as an engaged intellectual in difficult times.

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01 Feb 17

Fellow Spotlight: Virág Molnár

Hungary was the most liberal country of the former Eastern Bloc in the 1990s; today, it is the most right-wing populist regime in the European Union. What is the role of radical nationalist civil society organizations in the reconstitution of national identity in postsocialist Hungary?

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30 Jan 17

Fellow Spotlight: Jane O. Newman

Jane O. Newman is Professor of Comparative Literature and European Languages and Studies at the University of California, Irvine. At the Academy, she is finishing her book on the German-Jewish scholar Erich Auerbach (1892-1957), titled “Auerbach’s Worlds.”

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28 Jan 17

Fellow Spotlight: Thessia Machado

Sound artist Thessia Machado, the spring 2017 semester's Inga Maren Otto Fellow in Music Composition, performs electronic and electro-acoustic experimental music with hand-made and modified instruments. Her project is entitled "Mining the Unsound."

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27 Jan 17

Mining the Unsound

In this lecture and demonstration, New York-based sound and visual artist Thessia Machado (Inga Maren Otto Fellow in Music Composition) offers an exploration of the emergence of sound in her artistic practice.

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26 Jan 17

True Believer: Stalin’s Last American Spy

At a time when Russia is alleged to have manipulated the recent US Presidential elections, Kati Marton returns to the American Academy to present her latest book, True Believer (Simon & Schuster, 2016), about intervention by Moscow in the highest reaches of the US government.

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20 Jan 17

Richard C. Holbrooke Forum: Post-Atlantic Europe?

A panel discussion with Jan Techau, director of the Forum; Vali Nasr, dean of the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University; Thomas Bagger, head of policy planning at the German Federal Foreign Office; moderated by Alison Smale, Berlin bureau chief of the New York Times, with welcoming words by author and journalist Kati Marton.

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09 Jan 17

Beyond the Lecture: Barry Eichengreen

This episode of the American Academy in Berlin's “Beyond the Lecture” features an interview with University of California Berkeley economist Barry Eichengreen, who was at the Academy to deliver a lecture on the history of populism in America.

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07 Jan 17

The Fall 2016 Berlin Journal on NPR Berlin

Interviews with fiction writer Tom Franklin, historian Rebecca Boehling, geographer Michael Watts, medievalist Alex Novikoff.

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19 Dec 16

Western Allied Approaches to Denazification

Historian Rebecca Boehling examines divergent Western Allies' theories behind denazification and how they implemented their policies once on the ground. How, she asks, did denazification develop from the intent to come to terms with, if not confront, the past, and to attempt a level of reconciliation conducive to economic recovery and democratization?

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