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22 Apr 15

Thomas Friedman: A Strategy for Surviving in a Fast World

Thomas L. Friedman delivered the Stephen M. Kellen Lecture at the American Academy in Berlin on Wednesday, April 22, 2015. He spoke about our lives being shaped more than ever by these three changes: digital, geo-economical, and ecological. How will civilizations best adapt to these changes and cushion their worst effects?

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13 Mar 15

The Cultural Work of Algorithms

Holtzbrinck Fellow William Uricchio has sought to launch a critical discourse on the cultural importance of algorithms and their impact on present-day society.

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12 Mar 15

Being German, Becoming Muslim

Foreign Policy Forum lecturer and Academy alumna Esra Özyürek spoke about her new book, Being German, Becoming Muslim (Princeton, December 2014).

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06 Mar 15

Why Genocide?

In this lecture, “Why Genocide? The Fate of the Armenians and Assyrians at the End of the Ottoman Empire,” historian Ronald Suny details how, in February 1915, the Young Turks of the Ottoman Empire ordered the deportations and killings of thousands of Armenians and Assyrians.

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03 Mar 15

On Encyclopedic “Chaos”

Christopher D. Johnson stresses that shifts in encyclopedism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries helped to cultivate the modern encyclopedic impulse, evidenced by the role encyclopedism has played in the history of the novel as well as the work of Francis Bacon and the Encyclopédie.

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25 Feb 15

Moon Medicin

Artist Sanford Biggers incorporates icons and rites ranging from mandalas and slave quilts to hip hop and YouTube music culture, Biggers's works connect African spiritualism, Buddhist rituals, and African-American urban culture.

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03 Feb 15

A General Theory of World Constitutionalism

Daimler Fellow Bruce Ackerman identifies three sets of actors that play key roles in different forms of constitutional legitimation: revolutionary outsiders, established insiders, and a combination of established insiders and political elites previously excluded from the system.

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21 Jan 15

Presentation of the Spring 2015 Fellows

The American Academy in Berlin heartily welcomed its thirty-fourth class of fellows at the Hans Arnhold Center on the evening of January 19, 2015.

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24 Nov 14

Methlabs and Late Industrial Alchemy in Rural Missouri

Anthropologist and Bosch Public Policy Fellow Jason Pine looks at small-scale methamphetamine manufacture in rural Missouri to ask how meth cooking and consumption are used to enhance or “get more life.”

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12 Nov 14

Whistling Up A Storm – Toward a History of Emergency

How differently do we now understand and approach emergencies, and what does it mean in 2014 -- philosophically, medically, politically, emotionally -- to “be prepared for” emergencies? In this lecture, cultural historian and translator Hillel Schwartz investigates the history and changing conditions of the term "emergency."

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