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07 Nov 14

The Solid-Light Works and Other Projects

Artist Anthony McCall discusses the evolution of his solid-light works in the 1970s, the appearance of vertical installations, as well as horizontal installations from 2004 onwards.

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05 Nov 14

The Genealogy of a Gene

Myles Jackson, Bosch Public Policy Fellow in the Fall 2014, explains how he has used the CCR5 gene as a heuristic tool to probe three critical developments in biotechnology from 1990 to 2010: gene patenting, HIV/AIDS diagnostics and therapeutics, and race and genomics.

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14 Oct 14

Toward a Quantitative History of Data

We live in a time of data. Around us, tools for creating, storing, communicating, and manipulating data grow ever more sophisticated and ubiquitous. Data flows constantly among our computers, handheld devices, cell phones, and an entire “internet of things” from refrigerators to burglar alarms. Yet, the cultural and intellectual frameworks that underlie our present data-saturated…

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08 Oct 14

Evolving Regulatory & Governance Developments

Mary L. Schapiro, the former Chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), on evolving regulatory and governance developments in the United States.

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02 Oct 14

Interdependence and Responsibility

Javier Solana, Richard von Weizsäcker Distinguished Visitor at the American Academy in Berlin in Ocotber 2014, discusses the question of responsibility in an interdependent world.

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30 Sep 14

Jeffrey Goldberg: Obama’s Foreign Policy

Dirk Ippen Fellow Jeffrey Goldberg speaks at the Academy about President Barack Obama’s policy in the Middle East and Europe, the focus of his most recent book project, which aims to explain the “diabolical complexities” of the Middle East.

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25 Sep 14


Adam Ross, Mary Ellen von der Heyden Fellow in the fall 2014, gives a reading of his novel in progress, "Playworld", which draws on his experiences as a child actor.

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18 Sep 14

Presentation of the Fall 2014 Fellows

The American Academy in Berlin welcomed its thirty-third class of fellows at the Hans Arnhold Center on September 18, 2014.

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08 Sep 14

The Zero Marginal Cost Society

In his book The Zero Marginal Cost Society (Campus, 2014), social theorist Jeremy Rifkin argues that capitalism is becoming a victim of its own success: machines powered by alternative energies are undermining our sense of private property, taking away jobs, and turning consumers into free agents in a global “sharing economy.”

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06 Jun 14

Germany and the Euro: The Revenge of Helmut Schmidt

C. Fred Bergsten argues that Germany has an overwhelming number of reasons to make sure the euro succeeds, and that the Eurozone holds together through the crisis.

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